Painting Profile

Painting Devotion and Manifestation

The definition of devotion according to the German dictionary Duden: “great inner involvement, devoted zeal, passion” OR “giving oneself wholeheartedly for/to someone, something”.

Abstract acrylic painting: Devotion by Sabine Engert

Painting Profile

Painting Devotion and Manifestation

The definition of devotion according to the German dictionary Duden:

“great inner involvement, devoted zeal, passion” OR “giving oneself wholeheartedly for/to someone, something”.

Devotion is something very personal.

When I paint, I need devotion to be able to create. This devotion has to do with love. When I feel love, the devotion and inspiration become great, sometimes almost urgent.

Devotion to painting is comparable to sexual devotion because I open up and create from it instead of planning or directing. It is said that Picasso would have stood up after the act and painted immediately.

I believe that from sexual surrender we can learn devotion to something greater. And vice versa: through surrendering and opening oneself in meditation, more openness can emerge in other areas of life.

Devotion and manifestation

Out of devotion things manifest because the feeling is great. Inspired action and being in the flow experiences arise from devotion.

But devotion is more important than manifestation. Even though the zeitgeist emphasises goal achievement, learning devotion is of greater value.

It is about the focused opening and conscious observation and allowing of what is happening on all levels, without any restraint.

Devotion in prayer in the Balinese language: mabakti

In Balinese there is the word mabakti. It means to pray (in the temple) and to make offerings.

In the older Sanskrit language, the word bhakti means devotion. It was adopted into Balinese as bakti meaning devotion. In the Balinese verb mabakti it became the devotion with which Balinese pray.

Painting Devotion and Manifestation

Abstract acrylic painting: Devotion by Sabine Engert


Sabine H. Engert

Title, Dating

Devotion and Manifestation, 2019


Arcylics on canvas


100 x 80 cm


EUR 890,- (or the amount in US $ at the current exchange rate)

Delivery Time

3 – 4 weeks

Free Delivery

rolled original in a dispatch roll of hard plastic or as canvas on a stretcher-frame

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